

Connect with other Scientists

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About MicroPocket

MicroPocket is an easy to use mobile app which provides an online database of accurate information for hundreds of bacteria. Scroll through MicroPocket's NewsFeed to discover other people who are interested in Microbiology from all over the world. Organise the bacteria that you often come across through your Favourites page and visit History's list to find previously searched instances.

Our Intention

Connect with other Scientists

We use technology to help microbiologists find a community which connects them as well as provide easy access to obscure information needed to support their work.


MicroPocket's Video Preview

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What every Micro-Enthusiast Needs



Interact with MicroPocketian's posts and become a valuable asset in our Community


Genus & Species

Hundreads of listed Genus and Species instances are provided in our Library Lists


Favourites & History

Set your most liked Species to Favourites page for instant access and check History tab to find past searched Species


Search Engines

Search engines are provided through all the pathways for information about Genus and Species



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Subscription Plans

Premium features listed in Subscriptions Tab

The Team

Our work for MicroPocket

Nikolas Panteli

Founder and Database Administrator

My name is Nikolas Panteli and I am originally from Cyprus. I moved to the UK to study Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) at the University of Portsmouth. Throughout the course, I decided to explore further into the beautiful world of microbes. Therefore, I moved to Manchester to pursue a postgraduate degree in Medical Microbiology. I chose to collaborate with my brother and create a mobile app which has a database of bacteria with relevant information for any microbiologist. I chose to use my notes to help everyone who is interested in Microbiology.

Konstantinos Panteli

Software Developer and Designer

My name is Konstantinos Panteli and I am a recent graduate of Beng (Hons) Software Engineer at the Sheffield Hallam University. Throughout my university years I worked with various personal projects from app to web development. When Nikolas came to me with his idea, I saw the potential that this mobile app can improve the microbial community.


Modern and Minimalist Design

Our goal was to produce an excellent app design. To achieve that our focus lead to the quality of its user experience.


Simplified User Interface

Simple yet Complex app design is laid out in an aesthetically pleasing way.


Dark Mode Theme

Dark theme is now the most pleased and used theme available. It provides ease of use even during low light room support.


Fast and Efficient

Fast loading times and efficient to use are some of the fundamental aspects of the design structure.

App Platforms

MicroPocket app is available on iOS and Android, check the links below for more information.


Available Plans

*For limited time a 7 days trial will be available for Monthly Subscription!



  • Profile
  • Publish News
  • Filtering
  • Ad-free
£ 2.99 / Month


  • Profile
  • Publish News
  • Filtering
  • Ad-free
£ 9.99 / Year


  • Profile
  • Publish News
  • Filtering
  • Ad-free
£ 24.99

Verified Users Features

account_circle Profile

Create and share your own identity in MicroPocket's social platform and let MicroPocketians know your impact. It features a profile picture and a short description to your profile page.

share Publish News

Unlimited posts to publish in News feed. Posts which you can ask for assistant regarding various topics or share your own ideas. Then view MicroPocketians react through their likes and comments. It requires only a Picture with a short description about your post. URL links can be attached for referencing resources.

list Filtering

Assist the research of MicroPocket's species library. Up to 216 different filter combinations that MicroPocketians can use. Filters are based on species information like gram staining, shape, motility and oxygen requirements.

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Navigate through MicroPocket's genus and species uninterrupted by ads.